Brownies (Grades 2nd, 3rd)

Christine Personius is the troop leader for the Groton Brownie Troop #49 (grades 2nd and 3rd).  

If you’d like to sign your child up for girl scouts, here is some information you need to know:


Please click here for a run down of costs commonly associated with Girl Scouts.  Please note that there is financial assistant available for any family in need.  NO girl will be turned away from Girl Scouts.

Troop Meetings

Brownie troop meetings are typically held after-school at the Groton Elementary School.  For more information on possible dates and times, please contact Christine at

Troop Trips

The goal is to schedule a low-cost or FREE trips for all Groton Brownies.  Cost will depend on the troop's ability to sell Girl Scout cookies.  All trips are optional.


As a reminder, you can gain insight into the cost of enrolling your daughter in Groton Brownies Troop #49 by clicking here.  PLEASE remember that no girl will be turned away due to financial need; assistance is available.

For more information, please email Christine at

Where Does My Money Go?